Is plastic surgery painful?

The foremost question that pops up in mind before going for plastic surgery is how much will it hurt? Fortunately, due to recent innovation and advancement of technology, the pain has significantly reduced. However, some amount of pain and discomfort is inevitable in every type of surgery.

Pain based on surgery type:
Here we have explained the perception of pain based on surgery to understand it better. Every surgery has a different type of pain, other recovery periods, and different procedures that can hurt. So it is best to know it all

Liposuction surgery can hurt as it involves the process of tissue injury. But as compared to other surgery types, liposuction is not that painful. However, if you have lipo surgery on different parts of the body, it can increase the soreness.

For performing the procedure, make sure your doctor uses ultrasound to liquefy stubborn areas. This procedure is a less aggressive mode and involves areas like hips, thighs, stomach, and back. You will feel soreness similar to having a good workout in the gym, but you will recover soon.

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